Blending hardware and software for better audio

​​There’s no doubt that as technology gets smarter and more sophisticated, product applications become smaller and thinner. Take TVs or laptops, for example – the expectation is wider and thinner, to the point where they are so slim that it’s hard to integrate quality sound systems. Yet, as voice increasingly becomes the preferred interface, audio is more important than ever. So how do you meet the requirements and price points for consumers, while still delivering on the quality sound they are used to and demand?

The blending of hardware and software to improve audio within products is the answer, but it’s complicated to implement. The current state-of-the-art in audio transport and rendering, as well as voice capture and processing, has a highly complex operation involving many layers of hardware and software. Making matters more complicated, as microphones and speakers become smart, we must also provide true software innovation that enhances sound, reduces noise, EQ’s automatically, and more.